Journal Entry 3.31.23

Rachel Hergert
1 min readMar 31, 2023

From this morning’s journal entry…

“Their end is their destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in HEAVEN, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ…” (Philippians 3:19–20).

Let my mind not be so set on earthly things that I miss the things of heaven. Let me not glory or boast in my own inadequacies or shame, or rely on my own self rather than on Christ.

My citizenship is not here. It is not in human glory or strength. It is in Christ and his reality. As I wait on him, I am made new. My own efforts won’t get me there — only his love will.

Last night I dreamed about war. Literal war, an actual invasion, modern-day Nazis. And it affected everyone, from the old to the young. We were waiting, anticipating. I was trying to find my camera because I’d been told to take photos. Not really sure why. I felt unprepared. And people came in to help, but they were mostly playing games, being super loud, messing around. It was weird. Trying to act like business as usual, but there was a dangerous enemy right outside.

May I not be found unaware or unprepared. The fight may come at any time, but we are fully equipped. We just need to be ready and take it seriously. Keep the perspective of Heaven. Ask for eyes to see when the battle is at hand. Hearts ready, faith sharp.

